Standard SLAs such as number of calls answered and abandoned, average talk time, average conversion time and average speed of answer are all essential considerations in the operations of any call center. Most companies today, however, are more concerned with their first call resolution metric that varies from case to case and industry to industry....
Every industry has its own compliances that are there to protect consumers by ensuring organizations operate in the right way, and the story is no different in financial services segment. All debt collection agencies must adhere to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, in all their operations. Owing to the number of calls made every...
To learn how to close the sale over the phone</strong style=”font-size:1.2em”>, it’s important to make use of all opportunities you have at your disposal. Traditionally, it’s easier for most people to close a deal when they are sitting face to face with the potential client. So much of the way that we communicate with people...