Using Call Center Scripting Software Effectively

Lights! Camera! Action! Many of you probably performed in a school play at one embarrassing moment in time or another. Whether you played Romeo, Juliet, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, or some other character, you certainly didn’t win the approval of your theater teacher by “winging it.” Oh, no, you worked very hard for those...

IVR Call Center Software

  Who’s Talking? I once received a phone call from a local radio station. Yet, this was no ordinary call. It wasn’t a live disc jockey who I could chat with about the music I like. Rather, it was dialing software “who” phoned me. I knew the radio station was implementing something known as interactive...

4 Ways Click-to-Dial Solutions Maximize Marketing Returns

Equipping your sales representatives with the tools that improve their efficiency plays a major role the success of your campaigns and organization. In fact, it is imperative for sales managers to identify all useful tools that can improve campaign performance. One such tool is click-to-dial software. The tool optimizes real-time lead generation and identifies potential...

Call Center Analytics and Reporting
Call Center Reporting and Analytics

Why You Need Call Center Reporting When it comes down to it, math is everything. From the amount of hairs on your head (zero, for some of you) to the speed of light, literally anything can be tallied, counted, or calculated if given enough effort and resources. Numbers make sense of obfuscations. They help us...

7 Tips to Optimize Sales using Automatic Dialers

The days of manual dialing are far behind us. In fact, all leading telemarketing agencies have been counting the benefits of automatic dialers to the bank, for over a decade now. The dialers assure telemarketing agencies more calls per day, better client management and better user experience, but that’s not all the benefits that are...