Sales agents often wonder these questions: What are the best times to call? On what days are people more likely to respond? How long before a lead goes cold? Should I leave a voicemail? Should I email them too? Am I being too persistent? If you often find yourself unable to connect to leads, receiving very...
Have you ever called someone and hear them begin to speak “Hello,” followed by a disappointing “Sorry I’m unable to take your call right now. Please leave a message and I will…?” Of course you have. You get an answering machine for two reasons: the person can’t pick up or the person doesn’t want to pick up....
Quit Juggling & Start Managing Being the boss is tough, especially if you’re one who’s managing a call center with phone dialer software. It’s your responsibility to ensure high agent performance, exceptional customer service, and deliver quality reports. You are also tasked with balancing the finite resources you’re equipped with. Nearly everything you do must be...
Call Center Culture Matters – Serious Tips for Serious Results For many businesses, their call centers are the primary point of contact with consumers. Whether someone is calling to place an order, request information about a product, inquire about a delivery date or voice a complaint, a call center is expected to handle everything pleasantly,...
How your agents speak to callers at your call center can be just as important as what they are saying. Words delivered with authority and confidence are better received by customers and prospects. Luckily, you don’t have to hire only voice actors and extroverts. It’s possible to teach great phone skills to anyone. How to...
Outbound Call Meaning Inbound marketing is a great approach that permits the public to know what your business is about and what you’re selling. Depending on your point of view, this strategy is one of the most potent used in sales accumulation and ultimately creates new or better impressions of your company for your customers....
Throughout the world, businesses of all types depend on call centers to deal with the huge number of telephone calls, both inbound and outbound, that they make and receive from their actual and potential customers. They want to make sure that every single person feels valued by their company, but that can be incredibly difficult...
Telemarketing leads are leads collected and used for telemarketing. You can get them from telemarketing list brokers that provide telemarketing leads based on demographics and other factors. Being a telemarketer can be a tough business without the right sales leads, and that is why it is so important to ensure that you have quick and...
Are you in charge of a call center? If you are, you’re probably constantly on the lookout for information that will teach you how to improve call quality in your call center. One of the best ways you can improve call quality is by learning to provide effective, meaningful feedback to your call center agents....
In an industry driven by sales and quotas, time is of the essence, and many sales representatives don’t bother leaving voicemails so that they may go on to the next call. While phone sales tips can help you with live calls, many calls, however, will end up at the sound of a voicemail and you could be...