Voicemail Drop
What Is a Voicemail Drop and How to Use It?

Why are voicemail drops trending in the sales industry? Because nearly 80% of calls go to voicemail. If that’s the case, then that means for every 100 calls made, the salesperson will have to leave a voicemail 80 times! That’s a huge waste of time. Find out how a voicemail drop can benefit you and...

Click Dialer
What is Click-to-Call and How it Works?

Everything from “What is click-to-call?” to “How to set up click-to-call?” We have answered your most asked questions to help you make an informed decision about whether it’s the right solution for you! What Is Click-to-Call? Let’s jump right into it!  What is click-to-call? Well, it refers to a form of digital communication, where an...

Power Dialer Vs. Predictive Dialer
Power Dialer Vs. Predictive Dialer: What to Use and Why

The big question many phone salespeople face is, “What is the difference between a power dialer and a predictive dialer?” While their goals are generally the same, their approaches are different. We have broken down all the differences and similarities so you can confidently know which is the best solution for your team! What Is...