Organizational Structure
What Is the Best Call Center Organizational Structure?

Of course you want your call center to do well and run effectively, but the question is how do you achieve that goal? Don’t waste any more time wondering what to do. Let’s break it down, so it’s manageable and simple to determine the best organizational structure for your call center.  How to Structure Your...

Telephone Answering Machine
How To Use Your Computer as a Telephone Answering Machine

You likely use a phone and a computer to do your daily task at work, so why not combine the two tools? Turn your computer into a telephone answering machine in just three easy steps! How a Computer Answering Machine Is Different? While a traditional answering machine will accept missing calls and even greet the...

Virtual Receptionist
6 Best Virtual Receptionist Software 2021

There are many choices of virtual receptionist software, but which one is right for your team? We will take you through 6 of the best virtual receptionist software options and help you determine which solution is right for you!  EVS7 FOX – Bring your telephone answering service into the modern era with Fox! RingCentral –...

Contact Center Vs. Call Center
Contact Center Vs Call Center: 6 Differences

Call center and contact center sound similar, however, their functions and purposes are very different. Without further ado, let’s break down the differences between the two! What Is a Call Center A call center is a business that employees agents to handle inbound and/or outbound phone calls.  Call centers usually integrate an IVR system in...