There has been a recent trend to push everything into the cloud (web based), but do the pros of this approach outweigh the cons? Originally, running a dialer was a major operation requiring special hardware, voiceboards, and cost as much as $25,000 for a basic setup.
Since then, with the introduction of VoIP based dialers, we’ve seen both stand alone dialer software (downloaded on a PC) and cloud based dialers (accessed from a browser).
Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each of these.
Security, Data management, & Protection – The leads and the data are on your computer in your control
No phone line required – You just need a good internet connection and headset
Richer Interface – Program is not constrained by the limitations of the browser
No database limitations – Since data is stored locally on your PC, there is no restriction on number of records or the size of a list
Speed and Quality – The program can move very quickly from record to record without having to depend on the internet to load a new webpage without sacrificing voice quality
No software – Don’t have to install any software locally on your PC or download upgrades
Mobility – Easy to transport from computer to computer since you just login to a website where the data is stored
To wrap things up, I personally believe that while some cloud based dialers can be effective, they typically have more then their fair share of issues. If you’re running a PC based company or call center, stand alone dialer software can be cost effective and has quite a few advantages over the cloud. Will cloud based dialers catch up and surpass stand alone dialers in the future? As technology and the internet continue to progress, then I believe there will continue to be great options both stand alone and in the cloud.