Managing an Inbound Contact Center

Protecting call center data is essential. That’s why call centers across the U.S. are following Dora the Explorer’s lead and saying, “Swiper, no swiping,” to would-be. So how are centers securing their data? Lucky for you, we have five of their favorite tips for protecting call center data available below.


Establish Security Protocols

You may already have some security protocols established, such as what questions staff should ask to confirm a customer’s identity, but you may want to review and expand on them.

Develop security questions that generate unique answers that aren’t readily available through online sleuthing. Maiden names, for example, are easy to find through social media and it’s hard to resist the temptation of sharing online about how Mr. Fluffers is your favorite pet.

Control Document Access

Raise the ante on your call center’s security of information through controlled document access. Limit staff members’ access to records through set clearances, which can be based on seniority or job title, and password-protect your documents. Call agents can still forward these private documents to clients, but they won’t be able to view them unless they were first granted clearance.

Use Strong Passwords

“Use strong passwords? That’s rookie advice!” Tell that to Verizon or Britain’s Parliament, which both experienced security breaches due to weak passwords.

Ensure your staff and customers all use strong passwords. Set password requirements that lend themselves to strong, tough-to-crack credentials. You’ll also want to set similar standards for protected documents and use two-factor authentication, if available.

Educate Call Center Agents

Hackers love call center agents because they’re one of the easiest ways — sorry, agents! — to breach a call center’s data. Because call centers have a high turnover rate, most employees aren’t educated about security provisions to protect customer data, which makes them a tempting target for hackers.

Train your employees upon hiring them and then continue to update agents about new techniques hackers can use to gain sensitive information from call center agents.

Protect Data on Multiple Levels

If you’re familiar with the movie “Inception,” the expression “We need to go deeper” is fitting for this tip for protecting call center data. Secure your documents through password protections and by encrypting them. Encrypted and password-protected documents prevent hackers from accessing sensitive information and provide a safeguard against user error such as sending a document to the wrong person.

Information security for any call center is essential — just ask AT&T, which paid $25 million to settle a data breach at its call centers. Use our tips to help protect your center’s data through more secure processes and continued employee education.

Another way you can assist your staff is through our cost-effective call center management software, which helps your team make calls, produce additional leads and stay organized. Get started with a demo or trial of one of our three VoIP software products today.

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