Manage your team, power dial your prospects, track your results, nurture your leads, accelerate sales – all from one easy to use platform.
Dolphin is built with users in mind, meaning there’s a focus on simplicity and navigation. Powerful tasks and work flows take less clicks to accomplish more, meaning valuable time saved by your sales reps.
Manage your team, track your sales, nurture your leads, power dial your prospects, send emails & texts, measure reports – all from one easy to use platform. Why try to piece together multiple apps while paying thousands of dollars?
Reach more prospects in less time and close more sales with the built in power dialer & leave pre-recorded voicemail messages. Click to call your other leads and set follow ups.
Sales reps can login to start power dialing or follow up on leads. Agents will hear the phone ring, and when a live person answers, will hear them say “Hello” and can speak to them immediately. Inside sales software is being utilized as an effective way to maximize business. Being able to contact multiple leads via phone and email and text is far more effective than trying to make face-to-face sales. In the time it takes a salesperson to track down a customer and talk them into a sale, a sales rep at a call center using a script can contact and convert many more leads. Having a built in power dialer takes this to the next level by using the advanced VoIP technology of inside-sales software to streamline the process of calling more numbers in less time. This makes your inside sales more efficient and increases your bottom line.
The main advantage of an inside-sales call center is multiple agents contacting multiple leads in a shorter time frame. This sales force automation means many more conversions, a lower cost of acquisition for customers, and the ability of supervisors to monitor, guide, and script dialer behavior to more effectively convert leads. The CRM enhances each of these benefits, improving performance management and increasing productivity. The ability of agents to log into the system and begin making calls from anywhere at any time – using the system’s CRM to pinpoint prospects – as well as one-click calling and lightning-fast data access, means a much greater speed of contacting leads. The lack of need to provide a central location, hardware, or on-site supervision for dialers means much lower costs. The system’s wide range of data collection allows supervisors to easily monitor, whisper and participate in calls, allowing for improved conversion techniques. Everything that inside-sales call centers make great, Dolphin Cloud Power Dialer software makes better.
Industries that can see tremendous benefits from this type of inside-sales software obviously include traditional sales operations like insurance, real estate, solar, and financial services, but also industries you may not have considered. For example, travel-based companies can benefit tremendously from inside sales, allowing businesses to identify potential leads that would be most interested in opportunities and information about available travel packages. Nonprofits, which rely on high-volume donations, are another industry that can be helped tremendously by Dolphin. Cosmetic medical procedures, like LASIK or plastic surgery, are another area in which more service companies are turning to inside sales to locate and convert strong leads and get the word out about their offerings. The truth is, just about any company that offers goods and services and could benefit from high-volume sales, can benefit from cloud based dialer solutions.
Includes truly unlimited calling to the US and Canada.
Sales reps login through a website from any location. No downloads needed.
Build work flows based on call disposition & lead status to send automated emails, move leads, or push data.
Quickly blind or warm transfer phone calls to closers and external numbers while music plays on hold.
Follow up on leads, view a calendar, and manage your contacts with the cloud CRM.
Send emails or sms texts with a click to prospects or customers while on the phone or following up.
Open API for receiving leads or sending data into other platforms.
“Call quality is fantastic in comparison to the competition, and the customer support is great. I feel like they really care about me. I’ve increased productivity and the capital that I save can be used to grow the company. The phone dialer is a no brainer. I would not be able to run my business without EVS7.”
Dolphin is a sales war machine! This software in my experience is by far the best power dialer I’ve ever used. I switched with many companies before using this software. Highly recommend. Great and friendly support. It’s really simple to use.
The bottom line, your tools, in the hands of the right staff, is allowing us to have some agents do the work of 1.5 or even 2 agents compared to the past helping us become far more profitable or deliver results on tougher clients that would have likely been a failure due to our calling volume limitations of the past…it’s making a difference.
Very easy to use and does everything except dirty dishes … lol. Support is responsive with great/friendly people to work with. I recommend the software whenever I have the chance to do so. It is a definite thumbs up – product and company!
Once you add your leads, simply update caller ID, custom fields, and settings.
Quickly call contacts or prospects, follow up on leads as needed.
View reports, manage your sales reps, coach and monitor to maximize efficiency.