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How to Assign an In-Group to a Campaign

How to Assign an In-Group to a Campaign

When you receive a DID number from EVS7, an in-group is created by default for the requested number. After the in-group is created, the in-group needs to be assigned to a campaign so that agents may receive inbound calls for the requested number.   Step 1. Login to your manager portal using your Admin credentials.   Step 2. Click on Campaigns and then Campaigns Main in the left menu.   Step 3. Select the Campaign that you would like to change the caller id and click the Modify button for that campaign.   Step 4. Go to the General SettingsDetail tab to view the Allow Inbound and Blended field. Select Y from the drop down.   Step 5. Scroll to the bottom of the Detail tab and click Save Changes. The field Allowed Inbound Groups will now appear in the Detail tab along with any in-groups that were created Step 6. Select the desired in-group(s) checkbox to allow agents to receive calls into the in-group.   Step 7. Click Save Changes.