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How to Create a Call Time

How to Create a Call Time

The call time feature is used to restrict the system from dialing outside of permissible calling hours of a lead according to the lead’s timezone and is also used to detect inbound calls received outside of office hours. In addition, specific state or holiday rules can be added to each call time. By default the following call times are already setup in the system: 12pm-5pm 12pm-9pm 24hours 5pm-9pm 9am-5pm 9am-9pm   Step 1. Login to your manager portal using your Admin credentials.   Step 2. Click on Admin, then Call Times, then Add a New Call Time in the left menu.   Step 3. Enter a Call Time ID or short name between 2-10 alphanumeric characters long. No spaced or punctuation except hyphens are allowed.   Step 4. Enter a Call Time Name which is a short description of the call time between 2-30 alphanumeric characters long.   Step 5. Enter optional Call Time Comments between 2-255 characters.     Step 6. Select the Admin User Group from the drop down to allow users at the admin level of a specific user group to view and modify this call time. Default is All Admin User Groups.   Step 7. Click SUBMIT. The page will refresh and expanded field options for this call time will appear.   Step 8. Enter the Default Start and Default Stop times in military time that you want the system to call leads within the lead’s local call time. Alternatively, you can enter a custom time each day of the week that you want the system to call leads within the lead’s local call time. For example, you may want to start or stop dialing at a different time on the weekend than during the weekday.     Step 9. Click SUBMIT.   Step 10. Go to the Active State Call Time Definitions section. If desired, select a state call time rule from the drop down of the Add state call time rule field to add to this call time. If a state rule is added, the system will only call leads based on the state’s call time definition.   Note: State call time rules have been created by default, however, to ensure call time rules are up to date, visit the following website: State Call Time Regulations To modify a state call time rule, click here: How to Modify a State Call Time To add a new state call time, click here: How to Create a State Call Time   Step 11. Click Submit. The state rule added will appear in the Active State Call Time Definition section.   Step 12. Go to the Active Holiday Definitions section. If desired, select a holiday rule from the drop down of the Add holiday rule field to add to this call time. If a holiday rule is added, the system will only call leads based on the holiday’s call time definition.       To add a holiday call time, click here: How to Create a Holiday Call Time   Step 13. Click Submit. The holiday rule added will appear at the top of the Active Holiday Definitions section.