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How to Change the Campaign Caller ID

How to Change the Campaign Caller ID

The Campaign Caller ID field controls the number that appears on the lead’s caller ID when making outbound calls. Note: Certain settings will override the number that appears on the lead’s caller id. These settings or features include:
  • Local presence numbers
  • List ID Override enabled
  Step 1. Login to your manager portal using your Admin credentials.   Step 2. Click on Campaigns and then Campaigns Main in the left menu.   Step 3. Select the Campaign that you would like to change the caller id and click the Modify button for that campaign.   Step 4. Go to the General SettingsDetail tab to view the Campaign Caller ID field.   Step 5. Enter a number or modify the number shown in the Campaign Caller ID field. Ensure the phone number you enter meets the following criteria:
  • Valid phone number
  • 10 digit phone number
  • No spaces or special characters
  Step 6. Scroll to the bottom of the Detail tab and click Save Changes. Note: Keep in mind that if you have inbound or blended calling disabled, that you will not be able to receive inbound calls into the dialer. To receive inbound calls into the Parrot using the number from the caller id, you will have needed to receive the phone number from EVS7 and have the ingroup attached to the campaign.  You also may request to have your own number ported into Parrot for a fee which could take weeks depending on your carrier. If you entered an external number such as your business or cellphone number in the caller id, incoming calls will still be received on your external phones.