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How to Reset a List

How to Reset a List

Once all the leads in a list have been dialed the list will need to be reset to recall leads that were not reached in previous attempts. The following dial statuses are automatically setup to be recalled when a list is reset: AA, B, AB, DROP, ERI, N, NA, and NEW.   Step 1. Login to your manager portal using your Admin credentials.   Step 2. Click on Lists and then Show Lists in the left menu.   Step 3. Select that List that you would like to reset and click the Modify button for that list.   Step 4. Go to the Modify List section to view the Reset Lead-Called Status field and select Y from the drop down.   Step 5. Scroll to the bottom of the Modify a List Record section and click Save Changes.   Step 6. A confirmation message will appear confirming the list has been reset. The statuses that are considered dialable are the statuses that will be recalled after the list has been reset. Scroll down to the Statuses Within This List section to view how many leads have dialable statuses.