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How to Setup Agent Pause Codes

How to Setup Agent Pause Codes

Pause codes allow agents to select a pause code when they are in PAUSE mode in the agent interface so that administrators will be able to specifically track agents’ pause time. Pause codes are specific to each campaign. Administrators can view agent statistics and pause code breakdown in the Agent Performance Detail report.   Step 1. Login to your manager portal using your Admin credentials.   Step 2. Click on Campaigns and then Pause Codes in the left menu.   Step 3. Select the Campaign that you would like to add pause codes to and click the Modify button for that campaign.   Step 4. Go to the ADD NEW AGENT PAUSE CODE section. Enter a Pause Code which is a short name or abbreviation between 1-6 alphanumeric characters long.   Step 5. Enter a Pause Code Name between 2-30 alphanumeric characters long.   Step 6. Select one of the following from the Billable drop down field: YES – Agent’s pause time will count towards billable working hours. For example, if an agent pauses to attend a meeting or is reviewing notes. NO – Agent’s pause time will not count towards billable working hours. HALF – Half of an agent’s pause time will count towards billable working hours.   Step 7. Click Submit. A confirmation message will appear at the top confirming the pause code was added and the pause code will appear in the AGENT PAUSE CODES FOR THIS CAMPAIGN section.   Step 8. Click on the Detail tab at the top of the section to view the rest of the campaign settings.   Step 9. Go to the Agent Settings section to view the Agent Pause Codes Active field.   Step 10. Select one of the following from the drop down of the Agent Pause Codes Active field: Y – Will enable a “Select a Pause Code” button in the agent interface to give agents the option to select a pause code when they click PAUSE. N – Disables the feature. FORCE – Agents will be forced to choose a pause code if they click on the PAUSE button.   Step 11. Click Save Changes.   To track pause code time go to Reports > Agent Reports > Agent Performance Detail. Once the report is generated, you can compute billable time by adding: Billable Pause Code + WAIT + TALK + DISPO