When it comes to selling insurance, all leads aren’t created equally. Clearly, the individuals who contact you about an insurance product are more valuable than the people whose names are included in a cold calling list. While that may be the case, contacting the individuals on a call list is certainly worth your time. While you might not sell something to every single person on the list, placing more calls per day increases the likelihood that you’ll make more sales overall.
When you’re using a call list, you can sort it to identify your highest-quality leads so your team can contact them first. If you’re selling homeowners insurance, for example, you can sort your list so the people who own their own home are at the top of your list. If you’re selling group insurance plans to businesses, you can filter your telemarketing list so companies that have a certain number of employees and earn a minimum amount of revenue are the first prospects you’ll call.
An auto dialer for insurance agents can enable your team to do more than place more calls faster. A dialer for insurance agents can dramatically improve the way you handle your leads from your initial contact with a prospect through the final sale.
Dialer software for insurance companies allows your agents to make notes, send emails and follow up with prospects immediately. These capabilities are critical to being successful in insurance sales. One study showed that contacting a new prospect in one minute or less can improve your conversion rate by more than 390 percent. A separate study showed that prospects don’t expect to have to wait long for you to contact them. Instead, they expect a callback within 24 hours.
When you have an auto dialer for your insurance agents, you can better manage when calls are placed. You can also improve the quality of the interactions your agents have with your quality leads, because every agent will be able to access the history of calls made to your prospects and add to that history as necessary.
If you’re ready to start enjoying the increased sales an auto dialer for insurance agents can help you generate, it’s important to choose the dialer that’s best suited for your needs. When you work with EVS7, the choice is easy because our dialer software can increase your call volume by 300 percent or more. Here are some of the insurance company phone dialers you can choose from:
Are you ready to learn more about why our insurance company phone dialers are the best choice for your agency? Contact EVS7 at 800-713-8353 or send an email to sales@evs7.com.