Leaving a voicemail message that is actually done well and generates a return call is somewhat of a dying art. That is primarily because many people have simply not been trained accurately for leaving voicemail messages. A great deal of harm can be done to your chances of closing a sale if crafting your voicemail message isn’t made a priority. In order to best maximize your business opportunities, this article will take you through some simple dos and don’ts, a sample voicemail script that you can adapt for your own usage, and some tactics on how to convert those voicemail messages into call backs and sales.
There are a couple very simple actions you can perform to help ensure that your message is not deleted without another thought. First, always open with your name, so that the recipient is clear on who is calling. Secondly, always keep your message to under a minute, and 30 seconds is preferable unless you’re in a unique industry or are trying some more creative tactics.
Here are some more common traps many people fall into. Do not slip into a forceful tone. Prospects know that you want to talk to them, but they should not feel pressured into it. Show them that you care about their specific needs, and don’t speak only about yourself and your company. You need to communicate that you can work together to their benefit.
Here is a sample voicemail script that you can use for prospecting and following up on your leads. It’s easily adaptable to different industries, and engaging enough to actually interest the person that you are calling. Feel free to adapt it for your own use, for your company, and for the potential clients that you are aiming to contact. The bold parts are those that you need to customize:
“Hello Will, this is John Smith. We received your inquiry on our website and spoke briefly last week. I represent Joe Blow Company which specializes in project management software. You mentioned that you were disappointed with the clunkiness of your current supplier, and I wanted to discuss why our system is so simple to navigate and use. We have seen clients enjoy a 135% growth on average in productivity, and have cut delivery times down by 2 working days. I would love to extend these benefits to you, so if you could call me at 555. 555.5555 I would really appreciate it. That’s 555.555.5555. I look forward to hearing from you Will, goodbye.”
As you can see from the script, the best way to proceed is to make an instant connection in the memory of the person that you are calling. Of course, you will not always have this option, but if you do, it should be utilized. It is one of the best tactics in voicemail messaging, and is so often overlooked. If you know the problem you can provide them with a solution when you understand their needs. Adding a personal touch can be what differentiates you from the competition.
When you are prospecting potential opportunities, do research beforehand when possible. Make sure you understand their industry, company, and even read some recent blog posts on their corporate site if you can. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, aside from being really embarrassing, it will almost certainly lose you the contact, and the potential deal that you could have struck.
As you can see, for a really good voicemail script you will need to put a little bit of work into it – but that effort is usually rewarded ten times over when you see that number returning your call and ready to schedule a demo or sign a contract.
Here at Electronic Voice Services, we take pride in providing effective technology that makes your job easier. We offer quality, efficient dialing software that helps you reach potential customers and convert them into buying leads. To get started, request your free demo today.